Gazeta Niedzielna

Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us.

Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.
God, the Father of heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, pray for us.

Blessed John Paul, pray for us.
Immersed in the Father rich in mercy,
United with Christ, the Redeemer of man,
Full of the Holy Spirit, Lord and Animator,
Completely devoted to Mary,
Friend of Saints and Blesseds,
Successor of St Peter and Servant of Servants of God,
Guardian of the Church teaching truths of the faith,
Father of the Vatican Council and Executor of its teachings,
Consolidating Christian unity and the entire human family,

Fervent Lover of the Eucharist,
Indefatigable Pilgrim of this earth,
Missionary of all nations,
Witness to faith, hope and charity,
Enduring participant of Christ’s suffering,
Apostle of reconciliation and peace,
Promoter of the civilization of love,
Proclaimer of the New Evangelization,
Master appealing for sailing into the depths,
Teacher showing sanctity as the measure of life,
Pope of Divine Mercy,
Priest congregating the Church for sacrifice,
Shepherd leading his flock to heaven,

Brother and Master of priests,
Father of the consecrated,
Patron of Christian families,
Fortification of spouses,
Defender of the unborn,
Guardian of children, orphans and the abandoned,
Friend and Educator of youth,
Good Samaritan for those who suffer,
Solace for the elderly and lonely,
Proclaimer of the truth of human dignity,
Man of prayer immersed in God,
Lover of the liturgy of the Divine Sacrifice celebrated on the world’s altars,
Personification of industriousness,
In love with the Cross of Christ,
Exemplary pursuer of his vocation,
Enduring in suffering,
Model of living and dying for the Lord,

Admonisher of sinners,
Guidepost to those who lost their way,
Forgiver of wrongdoers,
Respecter of opponents and oppressors,
Advocate and Defender of the oppressed,
Supporter of the unemployed,
Concerned about the homeless,
Visitor of prisoners,
Fortifier of the weak,
Teaching everyone solidarity,

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us.

Pray for us, blessed John Paul,
So that we would proclaim to the world with life and words Christ the Redeemer of man.

Let us pray:

Merciful God, accept our thanksgiving for the gift of the apostolic life and mission of Blessed John Paul II and through his intercession help us grow in our love for You and courageously proclaim the love of Christ to all people. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

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Być człowiekiem.

Tylu było grzecznych chłopczyków, grzecznych dziewczynek, którzy wyrośli na fatalnych chłopców i fatalne dziewczęta. Tylu było świetnie zapowiadających się młodych ludzi, którzy szybko zajęli się robieniem pieniędzy. Tyle było świetnych koleżanek, kolegów, którzy po zajęciu stanowisk kierowniczych stali się niemożliwi. Tyle było zacnych mężów, cnotliwych żon, którzy na stare lata zamieniali się w filistrów, kabotynów, sybarytów.

Być człowiekiem.

z: Ks. Mieczysław Maliński, Wszystkie nasze dzienne sprawy, Veritas 1978, ilustr. A. Głuszyński