Terms and conditions:
The Veritas Bookshop sells goods via the internet; prices etc. can be found at: veritasfoundation.co.uk/bookshop.
The Veritas Internet Bookshop, operating from veritasfoundation.co.uk/bookshop, is run by : Veritas Foundation Publication Centre, 63 Jeddo Road, London W12 9EE.
The Veritas Bookshop offers for sale books and recorded music on CD – all prices are given in UK£ and, in the case of CDs, include VAT at the prevailing rate.
The price shown on the website at the time of ordering is binding.
The Veritas Bookshop reserves the right to change prices; introduce new lines; run or withdraw promotions and make changes to any such promotions.
Orders are placed through the dedicated order forms at veritasfoundation.co.uk/bookshop. On completion of the order, an email confirming receipt is immediately sent to the customer.
In the case of an order where the price was wrongly displayed on the website, the customer will be informed of this error and given the opportunity to continue with the order at the correct price, or to cancel the order.
Data Security:
Addresses and other details from the registration process are solely for the use of Veritas in dispatching orders and are never shared with third parties.
The placing of an order via the Veritas Internet Bookshop indicates acceptance of the above Terms and Conditions.